Today is just another
Peanut Butter and Jelly day.
0.75 cents per sandwich retail.
But by the time
My daughter is 35,
I am sure that it’ll be triple that
Unless we run out of
Peanut Butter
or Bees
or we just die
all together.
Mel Bikowski wears many faces in this life. Poet. Mom. Wife. Artist. Dancer, Traveler, Hiker. Friend. Lover. She has poems published in Elephant Journal, GERM Magazine, and Quail Bell Magazine. She is currently studying Interdisciplinary Studies at Old Dominion University. Her abstract paintings can be found on her website along with personal realizations, meditations, journal entries, and a frame of her life in Alexandria, VA. Her Website:
Image by Kimberly Vardeman –, CC BY 2.0,
Thank you for reading my poem and featuring it here!! Much love!!!
Our pleasure!