Home In Their Own Words The DC Improvisation Festival Present, and Past by Maida Withers

The DC Improvisation Festival Present, and Past by Maida Withers

The DC Improvisation Festival Present, and Past by Maida Withers

The DC Improvisation Festival celebrated it’s 13th season September
 27-30, 2007 on the streets of the Penn Quarter in downtown Washington,
 DC. The performances occurred on G Street between 7th and 12th streets. There were 23 participating
 groups including Jane Franklin Dance, Dan Burkholder/The Playground,
 AVA Dance, Kathryn Williamson, Contradiction Dance, Tony Olivares, Maida
Withers/GWU, The Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, and others. For a complete list of artists 
please visit: http://www.improvfestival.com.

This is a video I put together from some of the performances of the recent DC Improv Festival:

I founded the DC International Performance Plus + Festival, which is now the Improvisation Festival.  I later co-curated with Jim Levy, Daniel Burkholder, Cyrus Khambatta, and Sharon Mansur.  A little over a year ago I turned the reigns of the festival over to my colleagues in the Metro/dc area. This year’s festival 
was coordinated by Amanda Abrams, with an excellent curatorial board.  
I’m so happy that the festival continues, am proud that it was one of the first such festivals nationally 
and/or internationally.

The DC International Improvisation Festival introduces audiences to 
diverse approaches to improvisation as a performing art and provides
 artists with opportunities for networking and exchange. Over the last 
thirteen years the DC International Improvisation Festival has 
successfully presented improvisational performances in theatres and for
site-specific venues throughout the Washington, DC area.


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