Marvelous Creeper
It seeps,
it creeps.
Emerging, crawling,
a marring of sky.
Amber deepens to pumpkin,
the distortion less unsettling.
Soon, a blood orange supplants everything.
We sit here, marveling. Not waiting,
not anxious. Marveling
at how the painter turns blue sky
to moonlit darkness.
Yellow Streak
across the windowpane,
a bolt of lightning
shifting left and right
pursued. A goldfinch
escaped from its cage.
Weeping Willow
I lay beneath her branch cover
wrapped in her crocheted weave,
warm and calm; I laze,
eyes closed, lightly shuttered.
Full lotus,
lily flower perched at the roots
in silence and poise.
Hair swept aside my cheek
with a feathered hand.
Silky rose petal lashes close
to gaze at me.
Soft lips brush mine
with moist peroxide wine,
cleansing my tears.
Waltz of chimes filter through,
I open my eyes to the blue sky
studded with cumulus clouds
Serena Agusto-Cox was one of the first featured poets of the DiVerse Gaithersburg reading series in Maryland and coordinates poetry programming for the Gaithersburg Book Festival. Poems are in Live Encounters, Halfway Down the Stairs, The Magnolia Review, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Dissonance Magazine, and more. Work appears in The Great World of Days, This Is What America Looks Like, Mom Egg Review’s Pandemic Parenting, The Plague Papers, H.L. Hix’s Made Priceless, Love_Is_Love:An Anthology for LGBTQIA+ Teens, and Midge Raymond’s Everyday Book Marketing. She also runs the book review blog, Savvy Verse & Wit, and founded Poetic Book Tours to help poets market their books.
Editor’s Note: Two of these poems appeared in the show “Photopoetry,” alongside photographs by Gordana Gerskovic, at the Foundry Gallery, April 2022.
Image by Chris Light, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons